Why are there so many "lil" rappers?

Ever wonder why there are so many rappers with "lil" in the name? If you search this on the internet you will find plenty of BS explanations for it. The real reason is "lil" is 33 in unreduced simple gematria. 12+9+12=33, you don't even need a calculator to figure that one out. It ALSO is 7 in chaldean gematria. 7 is G, favorite letter of the masons. Ever wonder why rappers always call each other "g's?" They claim it means gangster. BS. Same thing with all this "OG" "original gangster" nonsense. OG was one of the last giants on earth who tried to kill God's people in the Bible. The giants were the offspring of the fallen angels and the women they raped on earth. They were very wicked and tyrannized the earth and were cannibals. They were the reason God flooded the earth.

LIL wayne proudly calls himself a GOBLIN. What is a goblin? Well, a website that explains occult things defines it as a male demon that takes the illusory appearance of a human being to seek sexual intercourse with women. Isn't lil wayne the same guy that says, "we are not the same, I am a martian." Well, OUTER SPACE is BS, not real and alien means other. Martians are not real. Outer space aliens are not real. demons, however are very real. The so-called "planets" are discs, not space balls. They emit their own light, so does the MOON, despite what lying NASA claims. There is a movie called Killer Klowns from Outer Space. KNOWING that outer space is not real, then where are these demonic clowns from? Well, satan's kingdom of darkness, where else. Contrary to popular belief, the wicked one is not in hell yet. He is in one of the heavens, though not the HIGHEST Heaven where Father is, he was cast out of there. There are multiple Heavens.