
I believe clowns are actually a kind of demon. Killer Klowns from Outer Space confirms this notion. Outer space of course is not real, therefore calling clowns "aliens" simply means they are OTHER. Not human, not angel, but DEMON. This is why clowns are portrayed as wicked and murderous in the media, it is disclosure. Notice that clowns usually have RED SHOES. This is a very wicked symbol that represents walking on a bloody floor.

The trope of the jester or the joker is prominent in media, and apparently was a prominent thing in times of old. The jester or joker was allowed to joke about things that no one else could without retribution from the king. Well, one of the concordances of the word "demon" is genius. Demons have certain knowledge that people may not, (of course they wield it wickedly) and this is why witches and wizards work with them (of course to their own damnation and detriment.) The satanic band In Flames has an album called "The Jester Race," which I believe to be a reference to the race of demons on this earth. The album art looks completely infernal and hellish.

Why does a Yugioh card called "legion the fiend jester" even exist? It is an odd title to come up with, unless it is a reference to something true. The devil will OFTEN point to truth in very obscure ways, and in his mind, anyone who doesn't figure it out is stupid and deserves to be deceived. This IS THE WAY the devil thinks, and the way his followers think.

I believe the clown car is a reference to the wise by which demons inhabit and oppress a person. In one clown car can many clowns come out. As we see in the KJV, multiple times it is said that seven unclean spirits or demons enter into and afflict a person. A body, to demons, is like a vessel or vehicle, since they are disembodied beings.