GIANTS, also known as Nephilim and Anakim

Here we see that giants and the generation of them are mentioned in both Genesis and the Book of Enoch. We also learn that the fallen angels taught their human wives and offspring secret things that were not before known to man. It is my belief that much of the advanced technology we have today originated from the fallen angels, especially cell phones and computers. But even things like makeup that women wear came from them as well. It is possible that the "G" in freemasonry could represent Generation. The first secret society on earth were the fallen angels atop Mount Hermon, and the G could represent their attempt to create their own race of "G"iants on earth.

Anakin (or Anakim) is a reference to the descendants of Anak, who were giants. Skywalker is a reference to the fallen angels who, unfortunately, are NOT in hell yet. I do believe they are located above us. Biblically we can interpret that there are multiple heavens. They are NOT in the Highest Heaven where Father is, but they are somewhere beneath that Heaven and above earth. Thus, skywalkers.

I think it is quite possible that so-called Native American "burial grounds" are actually the graves of giants that roamed the earth. They've managed to destroy a lot of history, but these giant graves or mounds are probably difficult to erase. Much easier to ascribe fake history to them.

These buildings were not built by regular people. These are the work of giants.