alcohol or the ghoul

The word alcohol is the same as ghoul in arabic. Ghouls were supposedly flesh-eating demons. I don't believe in the koran or islam, but one thing I have noticed is that sometimes the devil will sprinkle something true in with his corrupted BS. I don't know if flesh eating creatures ever walked the earth as they are described on these websites. I do believe there ARE vampires who consume human blood, so in that way ghouls or monsters are real. In any case, the fact that alcohol is the same word as ghoul in another language could very well be disclosure of what alcohol really is. The wicked one, when he does reveal truth, it is usually in such wise. He does it in the form of a joke, in the form of something obscure, or in the form of something not easily apprehended.

What leads me to believe in the connection of the word "alcohol" to "ghoul" in arabic, and ghoul being a flesh-eating demon, or spirit, is the fact that alcohol is referred to as spirits. It is an odd thing to call hard liquor "spirits" when you really think about it. Spirits means disembodied beings, not some bitter tasting liquid that gets you drunk. In the Bible, the very first instance of the word "spirits" is in reference to familiar spirits, and God's warning against them. The word familiar has concordance with the word family, and I think of how alcoholism runs in families oftentimes. Perhaps when you imbibe alcohol you are consulting with a familiar spirit. Many people notice that after a few drinks they feel much more confident, they can talk with ease when normally they might be shy. It's almost as if some other entity takes over. If someone drinks to excess, they "black out." As I've pointed out with the Black Lives Matter scam, the word "black" can be a reference to anything satanic. Black metal, black mass, black magic, black ritual, etc all refer to satanic things. To black out, then, could mean you've invited demonic spirts into you. When people black out, they often behave in ways they never would while sober. They often don't even remember any of their actions. Now think objectively for a minute. Imagine you live in a world that never had alcohol or any intoxicants and someone gave you a bottle of a substance that changed the way you acted and as you consumed more of it you lost memory and behaved in ways you never normally would. Does that not sound like a magickal potion? Does that sound like something normal, or something anyone should be messing around with? No, of course not. What this satanic society does over and over is they take things that are abnormal and normalize them. They get people to be confident in this science bs, (which really explains nothing, is not reproducible most of the time, and requires belief to work) and not realize that there ARE supernatural forces at work on this earth. There are those from God, and those from the devil. Yes, it is that simple. The masons who run this earth have a black and white floor in all of their lodges. Reality is black and white. Good and evil. It IS that simple. God or the devil. When you imbibe this evil beverage, you are opening yourself up to that kingdom of darkness, and if you have too much you just may "black" out.

There is a well in the Bible called Beer that Moses led the people to, to drink WATER, not alcohol. I think it's interesting that the common term for probably the most popular alcoholic beverage of today stole it's name from this.

The very first instance of "wine" in the Bible relates the first story of sodomy in the Bible. Noah was drunk from wine, and his son Ham raped him (gross!). [Side note: I think the song HAM by kanye west is redirection of this. and the forced acronym H.A.M. "hard as a mothereffer"] also is. we live in a sodomitic society, of course they want to distract from the first sodomite mentioned in the Bible.] I don't think it is any coincidence at all that God made this the first mention of wine in the KJV. With date rape and all the wickedness that comes along with alcohol, this passage is more relevant than ever.

Ephesians 5:18 confirms the idea that alcohol and the Holy Ghost can not cohabitate. I believe that ALL intoxicants make the temple of your body inhospitable for the Holy Ghost to reside, and therein lies the greatest danger of being drunk or high. How can you ever abide in Truth if you are constantly sending the Spirit of Truth, the COMFORTER away from you? Be "SOBER and VIGILANT."