BLM is a satanic SCAM

The black lives matter movement was a SCAM from the beginning. This is what satanists do. They pull on people's heartstrings to steal from you. A black mass is a satanic mass. Black magic is satanic magic. Black metal is satanic metal. A black life, to the satanists "in the know" is a satanic life. satan runs a kingdom of DARKNESS. This is why they got everyone to put an all black image on their instagrams for "blm." The satanists were laughing at everyone going along with their SCAM.

Notice the words this author used in the title. They are telling the TRUTH. One of the ways satanists operate is they joke about the truth, or disclose it in a way that would not be easily apprehended. She says posting an all black image may do more harm than good. Of course it does, it perpetuates a giant SCAM. This person likely knows the truth.