
Vampires are real. They blend in with normal people, but these beings exist. This website "sanguinarius" was not a joke website, they take this stuff very seriously. This site has since been taken down and only accessible via

These beings are fundamentally different from regular people, and I believe they TRULY are COLD-BLOODED, and have blue blood. I always wondered why "blue bloods" referred to aristocrats. It just never made sense to me. Them being vampires, descendants of cain, who is the devil's son, makes SENSE.

Notice how if you search for "cainite symbol" you get no results. This wasn't always so. I CLEARLY remember finding a website that showed various symbols of cainites. One of the biggest ones is red and white. I remember the rose being another of their symbols. It makes sense why you have a candy cane or candy cain associated with saturnalia, a celebration of the darkest day of the year.

Notice that many very powerful countries in the world today all feature red and white. The English flag is simply a red and white cross which mirrors the knight's templar emblem. The knights templar worship baphomet and those who rise up high enough in masonry find this out. It's also interesting that a site called CAIN exists (conflict and politics in northern ireland); the acroynym scarcely makes sense for that amalgam of words. They made sure to put the red cross flag, the flag of cain, as the first flag on their symbols/flags page. They also use a dark red/bloody colored font on most of their site. This stuff is VERY hard to find on the internet nowadays, but little hints about it are still there.

The old barber's pole bears the same red and white colors and represents the practice of bloodletting in times past (most likely done by vampires back then as well.) That text is taken from the History Channel's website. It's important to note that MANY times when they say "people used to do this" they oftentimes still do. I remember teachers telling the class that back in the day, men played the women's parts in Shakespeare productions. Well, when you know skulls and bones you realize this is still true.

Notice how the American Red Cross symbol is the same as the symbol of the cainites, as the symbol of the knights templar, and of the English flag? They say donate blood to save a life, but they DO NOT SPECIFY whose life you are saving. It is my belief that vampires run these organizations and pull on people's heartstrings to get a free supply of blood, given voluntarily by unwitting donors.

Why would the Red Cross even allude to or make a joke about vampires? The real joke is you are not starving them, you are feeding them by donating.

An "emergency" to a VAMPIRE is a lack of blood. On the "real vampire" sites it is stated that if they go without blood for too long they can become violent. Thus by having a steady supply of blood donors they won't have an "emergency" and humans won't suffer when they attack out of bloodthirst.

The book of nod is purported as being a work of fiction, but it offers a very interesting explanation for cain and his offspring. Knowing that most of the stuff on Nat Geo is BS and presented as truth, that the news is almost all lies, and many other things in this world presented as "real" or truthful are BS, it does make one consider. Could these books presented as fiction, actually be TRUTH? I think it is very possible. It makes sense that the devil might have removed things from the bible about his progeny on the earth. Them publishing these things as "fiction" could be disclosure.

These passages do read in a way similar to the Bible. I CAN NOT say for certain that these are divinely inspired, as they are not included in the KJV. I can say, however, that they do offer a very interesting explanation for things that are not elaborated on in the Bible.

It is POSSIBLE that there was an omission in Genesis 4:1. This interpretation from the aramaic targum DOES seem to fit. It is apocryphal, so I can not attest 100% that this is true, but I put this here as something to consider. The concept of Eve being seduced and impregnated by the devil is confirmed in another apocryphal work, the protevangelion where Joseph says "Is not the history of Adam exactly accomplished in me?" referring to how Mary was pregnant without Joseph consummating with her.

Should this serpent seedline idea be true, it would explain the big reptilian conspiracy theory that is never taken seriously. There could be a race of people on this earth who truly are descendants of the serpent, and are serpentine or "reptilian" or actually VAMPIRIC. The Bible does say God will put enmity between the woman's seed, and the serpent's seed. It does seem to make sense.

The secret password of a master mason is tubal cain, a descendant of cain from the Bible. This is not a coincidence.

Notice the misleading title they give tubalcain in the bio of the masonic website. They say he is a descendant of adam and eve but he is actually a descendant of cain, who is a descendant of the devil and the first murderer on earth.

This is a still from a youtube video entitled "A REAL IN THE FLESH VAMPIRE, MEETING ANTHONY." The closed captions are a bit wonky, but you can see it auto-generated "kane." He says, "The vampire in me does not originate from my family...I get passed on the 'cain energy.'" The interviewer then says, "OK, we're gonna stop this right here." Interesting that when this detail is brought to light, the interview abruptly ends.

The word CANNIBAL is a combination of CAIN + ABEL. CAINABEL. CANNIBAL. Cain is the first vampire and first cannibal.