The Pedo Lama

Wow, a FALSE PROPHET who wears ORANGE turned out to be a pedo! NO WAY! What a surprise! In case you haven't realized, buddhism is a BS false religion just like all the eastern religions. It is the doctrine of demons. You can not SAVE yourself, as these idiots claim. I've personally encountered satanists who have buddha statues and claim to be buddhists. They like this one because buddhists don't even acknowledge God. They claim buddha sat under a tree and became "enLIGHTened." Kind of like the serpent beguiling Eve under the tree and claiming her eyes would be opened. I can see right through this false religion. Do you notice how these morons have the nerve to STILL refer to the dalai pedo as "his holiness." What a joke. There is nothing holy about this sick bastard. I hope he burns in hell for misguiding people and being received as "holy" his whole life while being a filthy degenerate pedo. He's probably best friends with the pope.

I was initally going to make a page about how buddhism is a false religion and to not be deceived by it, but sometimes these invert, satanic pedos write the page for me with their repugnant, degenerate behavior. I'm sure he only apologized because he got caught, also.