
Orange is synonymous with 33, the favorite number of masonry. It equals 33 in Pythagorean gematria. 33% of the fallen angels fell from Heaven and started the first secret society on mount hermon. I've linked a website that explains it in-depth, but I have posted some words that I have not seen Hans make the connection with in regards to orange. 32 is synonymous with 33, as it is thought of an inversion of 23, and 23 is thought of as "two three's."

Notice this person's username contains two 3's in place of E's. They then use ORANGE hearts. Is orange not an odd color for a heart? Red or pink makes sense, but orange, of all colors? It is a calling card. You'll see this everywhere when you wake up to orange. Everyday people know this stuff. It is not to say everyone who knows about orange knows ALL the conspiracies, but they certainly know some of them. They most likely know about the in utero transgenderism. "19" is also the letter S in simple gematria, first letter of satan. Like in covid-19.

Notice what color they used in promoting their state-supported POISONS on children? ORANGE. Someone "in the know" would see this and take it as further confirmation that vaccines are poison and cause autism. It is very likeley that people "in the club" do not really vaccinate their children, they probably know which doctors to go to who will simply sign off that their children were vaccinated without actually getting the shot. Yes, this is the way things really are, but these things are seldom spoken about because EVIL is SUBTLE and EVIL PEOPLE KEEP SECRETS.