Islam False Religion

Notice how the exact same crescent moon and star is present in the depiction of baphomet and in the islamic symbol. Muslims are under the spirit of the anti christ. The god they worship is not the real God from the Bible, it is secretly baal. Kabba plus allah equals kabbalah (satanism.) Muslims make a big show of wearing special garments to show other people how holy they are. They fast during the day in ramadan and tell everyone around them they are fasting, then have feasts at night. They worship a black cube, the symbol of saturn, which is satanic. Many things they do go directly against the bible. Most importantly, they deny that Jesus is the son of God.

The false prophet mohammed consummated his marriage with a 9 year old named aisha. He is a pedo. No truly holy person worth following would be a pedo. ISLAM IS A FALSE RELIGION and of the DEVIL.

In islam, they believe they receive "72 virgins" in the afterlife if they do what "allah" (baal) wants. Did you know the ACTUAL word used is "houri?" Houri translates to MERMAIDS. Mermaids, or SIRENS are the spirits of the women who mated with the fallen angels and still haunt the earth. I believe their job is to seduce, entice and corrupt lustful men. In the Bible we learn that Angels do not have wives, or have sex, or anything like that. It is not a part of Heaven. (The angels that fell from Heaven and mated with the women of earth are damned forever.) Neither do those who make it from earth to Heaven have wives. This islamic view of paradise is completely corrupt.

There are SEVENTY TWO demons in the lesser key of solomon, the king of which is bael (baal, kabba + allah = kabbalah or kab-baal-ah). THESE are probably the 72 "virgins" that actually await people that devote themselves to this false doctrine. I am not the judge of men, GOD is, but islam is OF THE DEVIL. DO NOT BE DECEIVED BY IT.

In the TRUE HEAVEN of the TRUE GOD, there is no marriage or sex or carnality. It is a place completely pure, not comprehensible to the mind of fallen man. Why would Paradise contain earthly or carnal pleasures?

Did you know muslims don't actually fast during ramadan? Well, they fast during the day, when the sun is out, but they have huge FEASTS at night. They actually gain weight during this month. Many of them simply change their sleep schedules so they sleep during the day and get up at night to eat. This is HYPOCRISY. You know it's ramadan every year when you browse youtube and see the multitude of comments saying they are fasting or they are hungry etc. The Bible clearly states when you fast to tell no one, and to appear as though you are not fasting. This is one of the myriad instances where Christianity shews itself as the only correct choice. The other "religions" of the world are all corrupted and hypocritical. Even most so-called "Christian" churches today (especially the catholic pedos) are corrupted. The BEST way to be a Christian is to READ THE KJV for yourself and FOLLOW what God says. Follow what JESUS says, for He is God in the Flesh. Don't follow a religion that promises an afterlife of demons or sirens, that says to sun-fast and have feasts at night, that says to wear special clothes to show how holy you are, that says to make a big show of praying in public in front of everyone. NONE of that is what God wants us to do. the devil is behind this islamic religion.

We live in a world where we are supposed to just be "accepting" of all "faiths" and view every religion as equal. Well that's too bad for the world, because I see the evil and hypocrisy in all the other religions. EVERY single other religion besides Christianity has a mark of the devil upon it. lucifer believes in disclosure. he will subtly hint at what he is doing, and he has left hints in every other religion that he is the author if it. Just the fact that muslims put a crescent moon on their places of worship should be enough for you. The BIBLE is very clear about not worshipping the sun or moon or host of heaven, it is idolatry. WITCHES use the crescent moon symbol in their practice. It is so obvious to me, but we are brainwashed into this BS of being "tolerant." Jesus was not tolerant of evil, he went into synagogues where things were being bought and sold and overthrew the tables. In my heart I REJECT the false doctrines of this world, and I do not condone them. I feel bad that so many people are deceived and raised in deception, and it is God's place to judge their hearts, but with even a tiny bit of earnestly seeking the Truth it becomes very apparent how fallen this world is and how much satan has corrupted almost everything, including the world "religions."