Catholicism or CORRUPTION of God's Word

This alone really should be enough to show the catholic church is nothing more than a satanic front. Why would these lying pedo hypocrites have anything to do with a telescope named lucifer? If you search this, they've done their best to scrub it and obfuscate it, but I remember when this news first came out and it was easy to find. Now you just find a bunch of "debunking" disinfo pages. They are affiliated with this telescope, and the fact they are trying to find "extraterrestials" means they don't believe in the Bible. The Bible says we live on a flat plane with a dome above us, and waters above that. Nothing about UFO's and outer space BS. And to say they are looking for an "alien savior" is completely blasphemous, as REAL CHRISTIANS are patiently awaiting OUR SAVIOR Lord Jesus to return.

The fact that it is a known thing that this evil institution has pedos in its ranks, whom it PROTECTS, SHOULD BE ENOUGH. The catholic church is EVIL. It is a satanic front like most churches are. 501c3 charities are not to be trusted. 501c3 can be rendered as V01CE. Who's voice? Well, who's voice would encourage defiling children and using a telescope named lucifer? Pretty easy answer to that question.

The Bible is VERY CLEAR that we are not to call any man on this earth "father." This bs catholic church claims to be Christian, which would mean they follow Christ, yet they go against one of the most important things he told us. The catholics are no different than the masons calling each other masters. I can't stand the hypocrisy of this institution and how I've met so many people who have a corrupted idea or view of what REAL CHRISTIANITY is thanks to these pedo scumbags.

The catholic priests take this verse and completely corrupt it. They feel they have the authority to listen to your sins and prescribe you a "penance" in which you mindlessly rush through a bunch of prayers as fast as you can. It's meaningless to pray that way. It's not at all the way God wants things done. We are to pray to our Father in SECRET, not some freemartin pedo wearing a collar who thinks he's holier than you.

I've already alluded to this on this page, but much of the catholic way of praying is just memorizing something and repeating it mindlessly. WHERE in the Bible does it say to do this? Nowhere, it is the doctrine of men, if not the doctrine of demons. The catholic church managed to turn me away from God when I was younger. I hated going there. I hated being guilt tripped every week by some holier than thou hypocrite. I hated showing up on Christmas only for the phony priest to berate people for only coming to mass on holidays. I never felt good in those churches, and I associated that with Christianity in general. Little did I realize then, it's much easier for the devil to turn people away from God by masquerading as a priest, or a bishop, or a pope, whatever. It's easier to destroy and corrupt something from inside out. This is what the wicked one has done with many churches, but ESPECIALLY the catholic church. I can't stand them, and may God rebuke them for the wickedness, hypocrisy, and the leading astray of God's flock, in Jesus' Holy Name, AMEN.

The catholics are no better than the masons with this Mary worship business. It is idolatry. We are not to make any graven images that bear a likeness to male or female. We are not to pray to saints, or any of the other false doctrine this evil church teaches. I know Jesus tells us to love our enemies, but the fact that a bunch of hypocrite pedos led me to become an atheist for a while still bothers me. The catholic church should be abolished.

Also, these catholic deceivers never once talked about fallen angels, giants, flat earth, end time prophecies, revelation or any of the really interesting stuff from the Bible. They make this very solemn meeting every week that is completely boring and tedious. They also burn incense in some of their masses. Where in the Bible did God say to do this? Our God is a God of HOPE, who hath sent his Son Jesus to save us. How in any way does a catholic mass embody that feeling or spirit? It does not in any way encourage hope. And I'm sure the catholic priests will never get on the pulpit and really go into detail about the many satanic deceptions in this world, like I have tried to do with this site. THEY ARE COWARDS. THEY PROTECT PEDOS. THEY PRESENT A FALSE VERSION OF CHRISTIANITY. I have seen first hand multiple people who still will not open up a Bible because they associate it with this BS version of Christianity. This church has done more harm in leading people astray than any other organization in my humble opinion. The catholic church presents itself as the right religion, when IT IS WRONG. Going to these pedo dens once a week does not save you. Following Jesus does. And the catholic bible is corrupt just like all versions of the Bible besides the KJV. It has the same evil revision in it of ascribing the title "morning star" to lucifer, when that is a title for JESUS.

Doing devil horns and wearing cloth with pedo symbols on it while having the nerve to think of themselves as holy is absolutely disgusting and repugnant. IF I CAN FIGURE OUT HOW EVIL this church is, any catholic priest could also. There is no excuse with the internet being available to all. Every single catholic priest that chooses to stay a part of this evil organization is just as guilty. YOUR LEADER does devil horns and wears pedo symbols. You are all an abomination.