
I find it interesting how "champion" is featured three times in the KJV, and it refers to goliath, the giant who intended to kill David, a child of God. Today when you hear the word "champion" you either think of sportsbaal or the clothing brand Champion. So much ado is made about these big sports championships every year and I don't think it is happenstance that this word originally referred to a giant that wanted to kill God's people.

The metal band In Flames (nice hellish name) has a song called "Goliaths Disarm Their Davids." I don't recommend consuming satanic music or media, but when you do, you get an idea of how these people think. First of all, why would a metal band have any reference at all to something from the old testament in their song title? THEY KNOW THE BIBLE IS TRUE. Yes, many of the people who claim to be science-obsessed atheists are actually satanists and enjoy misguiding people. They feel superior gatekeeping knowledge and letting others live in so-called "existential dread." But what you can infer from them naming their song this, is the nature of evil people. It reminds me of pharaoh being given chance after chance in the desert to repent and let God's people go, and he would at first agree while being smitten by God, but once God relented on the plague, he would recant and do evil again. Evil people know God is real, they know he is more powerful than the devil, yet THEY STILL go along with evil knowing they will lose in the end. They will still make a stupid song like "Goliaths Disarm Their Davids." GOLIATH the "champion" ALREADY LOST satanists. Just like lucifer already lost all those years ago when he fell from heaven. But they still go along with this sinking ship. Don't be like them, seek JESUS CHRIST. If even one soul out there finds this site, repents of their sins, and finds Jesus Christ I will be ecstatic. That is the real purpose. Sometimes it helps to see the BS and all the satanic lies to help you realize what the TRUTH is.