sportsbaal or "professional" sports

Professional sports are all rigged. The first letter of ESPN is ENTERTAINMENT. Not "authentic," "genuine," "true" or "real." Everyone knows WWE wrestling is fake, and it bears the same word, "entertainment" yet for some reason, people are not able to see that everything espn broadcasts is scripted. The NFL recently put out a commercial of football players doing a table read for the script for the season. If you've read through even half of my site, you should know that disclosure and joking about the truth is one of the ways the satanists operate. The official PGA golf page has a post referring to magnets. Ever wonder how they get those incredible hole in one shots? Magnets. Same thing goes on in basketball. To me this topic isn't even interesting, but it probably would be to most sports fans. People put their faith and devote so much time and energy into this sports bs instead of seeking Jesus and the kicker is, the sportsbaal is all scripted like any other bs TV PROGRAM. Entertainment and Sports PROGRAMMING Network. They are programming you and telling you they are doing it! Turn off the stupid TV and stop making idols out of athletes. None of these people you idolize are going to save you from hellfire. Less than that, none of these sports teams and atheletes even add anything to anyone's life. If anything, the people I know who are obsessed with sportsbaal become very distraught when their team is scripted to lose for the day. Or when their team doesn't get the big shiny thing at the end of the season because they didn't win the championship. People care about this nonsense, but how many will open a King James Bible and learn the TRUTH. WE LIVE IN A SATANIC DECEPTION, YOUR SOULS ARE IN THE BALANCE. WAKE UP. REPENT. FOLLOW JESUS. Everything on the TV IS BS. TELL-LIE-VISION, it's right in the name. I've heard this said so many times it's redundant to me, but maybe someone out there who is completely asleep will read these words and have that light bulb go off in their head. If that's you reading this, whoever you are, TELL-LIE-VISION is the MEDIUM or MEDIA by which demonic forces are CHANNELLED to you. Notice how a medium is another word for someone who consults with spirits or with the dead. Everything connected to the TV is steeped in witchcraft and the occult, but they normalize it and get people to not consider this notion. Do you realize that if they call it Tell-lie-vision or tell-a-vision they feel they have warned you and you consent to being hypnotized and programmed? It doesn't matter if you understand or not, this is how satanic people think. Turn off that evil contraption and read the KJV.