
I find it interesting that a very big masonic symbol is the apron. In the Bible, after Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that they were FORBIDDEN to eat from, they knew they were naked and made aprons for themselves. One thing I've come to understand about luciferians, is that in their corrupted thinking they view lucifer as the "good guy" liberating them from a tyrannical God. Little do they realize, lucifer is the WORST tyrant of them all. Even Pike, a high up mason, WARNS all the masons that lucifer blinds selfish souls. But none of them seem to take heed to this. In any case, this is most likely why masons wear aprons. It represents having their EYES OPENED, or ILLUMINATED, by the secret masonic knowledge and of course is a sign of rebellion against the TRUE GOD OF THE BIBLE. They will give a million and one innocent sounding explanations for the apron and for all of their symbols, including the all seeing eye. The all seeing eye represents nothing other than lucifer. The Bible in describing angels says that they are "full of eyes." Pyramids, or ziggurats, in times of old were places where human sacrifices were performed. So lucifer has put his symbol, the "all seeing eye" above a symbol that represents human sacrifice (the truncated pyramid), and people still choose to worship this wicked spirit. the wicked one himself has told everyone what his true intentions are with this symbol, and ALL SHOULD TAKE HEED. Have NOTHING to do with lucifer, the fallen angels, demons, or any occult practice. The TRUTH is the kingdom of darkness seeks only to steal, kill, and destroy.

Notice how The Home Depot makes all their employees wear ORANGE aprons. Orange is 33 in pythagorean gematria and a favorite color of the masons. In browsing this site, you may have noticed that I am always pointing out symbols, gematria, second meanings of things, etc. SYMBOLS are the language of magick. I don't claim to know exactly how they work, but I believe intentions and ideas can somehow be imprinted upon symbols, and they can affect both the conscious and subconscious mind.

In the mormon temple endowment ceremony, they are shown a video of lucifer beguiling eve in the garden. he is wearing an apron, and they ask him about it. lucifer says the apron is "his symbol of power and priesthood." mormonism was founded by a freemason.