YOLO or The World's Wrong Standard of Values

Most people in the world today subscribe to this notion of "YOLO" or "you only live once." People believe the sole purpose of their life should be to seek pleasure and indulge in anything that feels good because they "only live once." How mistaken they are. God created us to be eternal. To be on the earth for a time, then to enter into his Kingdom in Heaven. Carnality is ever the enemy of the Spirit. We live in a world where this wrong standard of living is embraced and celebrated. But look at the belief system of some of the people in the spotlight pushing it. Drake has openly admitted he is satanic. If you were to call him out on it, I'm sure he'd say it's "just a line in a song," but that's BS. This is what real satanists do, they disclose the truth in a subtle way, because they worship an evil and subtle spirit. Notice I had to edit the image because autocorrect will always try to capitalize the wicked one's name. I refuse to capitilize that infernal, disgusting, repugnant, evil spirit's name. He deserves no respect or honour. I also had to edit the other lyrics because I don't feel like hosting any kind of profanity on this site unless it is absolutely necessary to expound upon a truth.

Does drake read apocryphal Scriptures written by King Solomon? Does his writing team? Do the demons and fallen angels and lucifer himself whom these satanists draw influence from know about these so-called "apocryphal" texts that read JUST LIKE things from the KJV and offer a great deal of insight? Of course they do. And they love both mocking them and purposely going against them. We live in a Spiritual reality. Look up automatic writing and see the occult practice of allowing some other entity to write for you, this stuff is real.

Notice that the cover art of this stupid song "sicko mode" looks very similar to the false god moloch who satanists sacrificed children to. There are even kids on the artwork as well. The word "sicko" has ONE meaning, and everyone knows what it means. A pervert, a degenerate, usually a pedo. It does not mean someone with a good "work ethic," what a bunch OF BS. USE YOUR EYES people, trust you instincts. Look at WHAT THEY SHOW, not what they explain away.

I think the glove is some kind of depraved pedo symbol. If you watch Mouthy Buddha's documentary about tom hanks, he makes this connection. As I have said over and over on this site, satanists believe in the idea of "disclosure," which is showing or saying the truth of what they are doing but usually in a very obscure, subtle way, or in the form of a joke that most people won't take seriously. They believe by doing this, they are free of bad "karma" because they have "told everyone" what they are doing. It is a completly corrupted and backwards logic, but it is the way they think, and when you understand this notion, A LOT of things in this satanic society start to make sense.