World Wide Web

Did you know the word "networks" is in the KJV Bible? When I think about the internet, a network woven across the whole earth, I wonder about the concordances it bears to spiders. When you understand that the false god of the masons is part spider, it does make one ponder. Then Bohemian Grove even has a reference to not allowing weaving spiders into their club. Spiders build a web in an effort to trap flies. The internet, from a kabbalist viewpoint, is like a spiderweb. It is a trap in a way. There is TRUTH on the internet. The entire KJV and apocrypha are there. Plenty of sites exist that explain conspiracies on this earth. But how many actually use the internet to earnestly pursue truth? Most people just use it for social media, for consumption, not creation. When people do use the internet to create, it seems they only do it if they are trying to earn money. Money, or mammon, seems to be the biggest distraction of them all. I don't think it is a coincidence that the word distraction is different from destruction by only a few letters. Distraction from Truth, and from God, can lead to destruction.

Notice the internet is called the World Wide Web. If you flip the W's, you get 3's. It makes me think of the Wicked Witch of the West. Witches and masons like the number 333. In the ritual where the masons say the name jahbulon, the caption of the photo is three times three. 333 is three 3's. Like 33. I don't know how this all fits together, but there is something to it. The internet has taken over the earth and over most people's minds at this point, and it bears a subtle "333."