Why does satan promote false gods/abominations?

When you read this passage from Deuteronomy, God is clear in what he DOES NOT want us to do. If you look at any of satan's abominations or false gods, it is as if satan read this passage and purposely went against it. It says "the likeness of male or female...of any beast that is on the earth" baphomet is BOTH male, female and a goat in one. It is directly contrary to this passage. Then we see, "The likeness of any thing that creepeth on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the waters beneath the earth" and I think of the masonic false god, jahbulon (aka bael). It is part man, part cat, part frog, and also part spider. That covers man, beast, fish (if you count the amphibious frog) and creeping thing. The devil PURPOSELY created these idols to go against God, and probably damn the followers of these false idols even further. DO NOT WORSHIP FALSE gods!