Tin Foil Hat

People who explore the many real conspiracies on this earth are often said to "wear tin foil hats" as a form of mocking. The funny thing is, tin foil, or aluminum foil DOES block signals. If you wrap your phone in foil, when you take it out you'll see it has lost all its connections. There ARE signals in the air that probably DO affect our minds and nervous system. I think this forced meme of tinfoil hats is disclosure in a way. I don't recommend walking around wearing a tin foil hat, but there probably is a grain of truth in the idea of protecting your brain from signals. According to the pseudoscientists, microwaving food changes it's "molecular" structure. I don't really buy into the molecule theory, seems like BS to me, but microwaves probably do degrade the integrity of things. I've never enjoyed microwaved food, it always loses flavor and does not taste the same.

Another interesting connection here is that foil means to thwart an evil plan. Being that signals are all encompassing on this entire earth, and probably hinder natural abilities like telepathy and other things that are gatekept from us, I don't find this coincidental. Asleep people love to mock those who have the courage to ponder new ideas and go against the grain of mainstream brainwashing by saying they "probably wear tin foil hats," little do they realize aluminum foil DOES protect against signals.