The Earth is FLAT and STATIONARY

There is a DOME ABOVE US. God calls this the FIRMAMENT in the Bible. It is IMPOSSIBLE to penetrate. No one has EVER been to "outer space." It does not EXIST. You can not recreate a rainbow WITHOUT the use of a mirror. The firmament has optical properties. There is a reason you see hashtags like #flattenthecurve or #glassceiling. They are MOCKING you. The ones in power presently know the TRUTH, but want to gatekeep it for themselves. Ever wonder why tall buildings are called sky scrapers? If NASA BS is true, how could you SCRAPE the atmosphere? You can't. You can attempt to scrape the impenetrable circular dome above us known as the FIRMAMENT.

I believe this to be the CORRECT Flat Earth map. Most depictions of flat earth are not correct. Antarctica is in the MIDDLE. Anti-arctic. Not arctic. Warm. The NORTH is an ice wall. Go anywhere on this earth, and as you go north it gets colder, as you go south it gets warmer.

I believe that the real meaning of the pillars Jachin and Boaz in freemasonry is a reference to the PILLARS of the earth which the earth stands upon. This would explain why God called it his "footstool."