
I believe broadway derived its name from this Bible verse. Broadway, the stage, is an allegory for the magick that is used in real life to control the minds of the masses. Notice that the last word in the verse, "thereat" is also an anagram for THEATER. They are one in the same. The devil is in the details. Think of terms like ACTive shooter. School shootings are hoaxes. You can find the same crisis ACTORS in multiple staged events. The members of a BROADWAY production are called the CAST. They cast spells through acting. They need not wear a pointy hat and brew a potion in a cauldron, if they can act and perpetuate lies on the world stage and have you believe them, they have bewitched you. How can you be afraid of a meteor crashing into the earth when you know outer space is not real? It is not possible.

Ever wonder why they always refer to these staged-crises as "scenes?" That's what they are. The "scene" of the crime. An "ACTive shooter on SCENE." Get it? Don't be fooled by ANYTHING in the news. Do not consume the news. It is not there to inform you. It is there to control you, scare you, MISINFORM you. And there are plenty of gatekeeping shills who will gladly play a real-life acting role as a crisis actor and not care how much fear they help instill into naieve and innocent minds. These people are WOLVES, this is why many masons and satanists love the symbol of a wolf. They do their best to make people feel guilty to question these hoaxes. HOW DARE YOU! I LOST A FAMILY MEMBER IN (insert hoax here)! Sure you did, and I bet you also love "travelling" and your favorite color is orange.

congress must act. Do you get the double-meaning? They are telling the truth. It is all an act. All a show. Congress is just ACTING, playing their PARTS. Presenting the illusion of this democratic republic or whatever they call it. They don't call it a tyrannical vampiric kleptocracy, I guess republic is more palatable.