
Thanksgiving is supposed to be an occasion of giving thanks to God and praising Him. Instead, I recall the many times I sat at a family thanksgiving dinner, only to see people almost ashamed or embarassed to even say a prayer and when they do they just run through "grace." without even meaning it. So many people think having a relationship with God is going to some pedo controlled catholic church once a week and impatiently going through the motions of a sunday service. They think prayer is to once in a blue moon repeat some thing you were forced to memorize. God is the creator of all things, and without Him could no one live. The least people could do is THANK HIM, genuinely, once a year. But in my experience, people barely even want to do it once a year with a giant feast sitting right in front of them.

Instead of the Thanksgiving holiday being a day of devotion to God, more often than not it is taken as a day to indulge in carnality and gluttony. In the two instances the word gluttony is mentioned in the Bible, drunkeness is included with it. God seems to have equal disdain for gluttony as drunkenness, which is something I did not realize until recently. We live in a culture that encourages gluttony and shies away from accountability. When someone is morbidly obese, if you point out that they are glutton with no self control, you will be viewed as the bad guy. But it is the truth. Yes, much of the food consumed in the US is fatty and unhealthy, but it really does come down to calories in vs. calories out and self-control. Calling this day a day of "thanksgiving" only to rush through a very phony, artificial recited prayer and then indulge in gluttony can not be pleasing to Father.

The ultimate lack of faith are the people who bought into the corona lie. People skipped thanksgiving and didn't gather multiple years in a row out of FEAR of the COMMON COLD, which is what this BS psyop hoax is. This world disgusts me. People will readily place their faith in institutions that LIE to them, but then are ashamed to say a genuine prayer to God, or trust in Him, or read his Bible. Such is why I don't bother to try to "wake people up" in person. If someone finds this site and wakes up to the manifold deceptions on this earth, great. But many people are simply faithless, and have not the Spirit of Truth or Discernment abiding in them. They put their faith in some baphomet priest which is what doctors actually are, and forgo an opportunity to meet with family, enjoy a meal, and give thanks to God. Many elderly people passed away from the LONELINESS and emotional distress this BS hoax caused. If people actually had FAITH in GOD they wouldn't fear some stupid made up psyop, but most people think they know everything, think they don't need God, and end up being completely duped by people who do not have their best interests at heart.