Swear Not

The Bible is very clear about not SWEARING, and not taking OATHS. I can not help but think of all the masons, the illuminati celebrities, and even the everyday person who knows about skulls and bones and other earthly secrets. These people are bound to not share the Truth, which I believe has a very detrimental effect on one's soul. God did not design us to keep secrets and gatekeep and lie. Many of these people in the orange 33 club have all sorts of mental problems, and I would venture to guess that a lot of it stems from basically living a double life. Even me, not being a part of their club, knowing all these truths is quite frustrating at times. I want to wake everyone up to the truth, but most people are so brainwashed and SO ARROGANT they will not accept new ideas. People become arrogant and prideful in their own delusion and brainwashing and programming. It is so frustrating to tell someone, "the earth is flat, there is a dome above us, the masonic square and compass are a reference to this." And they reply with something like, "you have your beliefs, I have mine." No. Your "beliefs" are PROGRAMMING that I had to UNDO in myself. My "beliefs" which are the TRUTH, took effort. You, being a brainwashed slave put not effort into learning Truth. That, or you try to tell someone some truths or talk about conspiracy and they dismiss you like you are "bothering them." I don't know who irritates me more anymore, the gatekeepers who KNOW the truth and guard it with lies, or the asleep people who are ARROGANT in their delusions and really believe they have a good grasp of the world around them.

I can't help but think of swearnet when I think of the phrase from the Bible "Swear Not." This seems like a blatant corruption of God's Word. God warns us ABOVE ALL THINGS to not swear. Then this canadian company names themselves swearnet and pride themselves on cursing, swearing, smoking cannabis, tobacco, drinking, fornicating, scheming and robbing.