
The Bible states that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. The two go hand in hand, and are interchangeable. Wherever there is witchcraft, there is rebellion (against God) and vice versa. Derek Prince, the preacher, really helped me understand this concept in his many thoughtful sermons. I've included a few passages from Scripture that relate to rebellion. The Angels, the Sons of God, rebelled and lost their heavenly estate forever. If this could happen to ANGELS, what do you think could happen to humans? Rebellion is 33 in chaldean gematria. 33 percent of the angels fell with lucifer. This topic is not even a conspiracy, it is simple truth. We live in a very rebellious society. When you start to study the Bible, you realize that so much of what goes on in mainstream society goes directly against Father's Word. In many ways, the wicked one actually can SHOW you the truth, because you start to realize what lengths he goes to to defy God. But he's on the losing team. He lost when Jesus let himself be crucified on the cross. Another great point Derek Prince has made before is that lucifer was given divine power from God, he exalted himself, and is ABASED or brought low. Jesus was given divine power from God, he HUMBLED himself and he is EXALTED. I can't think of anything more humbling than to be crucified on a cross, be mocked, have a dirty vinegar sponge shoved in your mouth, have lots cast for your garment, all while knowing you could pray and receive more than twelve legions of angels to help you. That is the FAITH of Jesus in Father. He did God's will even unto to the death. The exact opposite of Jesus is the devil, who will go AGAINST God's Will unto the death. The difference is, when you follow Jesus GENUINELY and really do your best to keep God's commandments (I DO NOT MEAN go to some 501c3 church once a week then sin all the rest of the time) you are guaranteed a place in Heaven. When you go the path of lucifer, of the fallen angels, of cain, you are destined for eternal damnation and hellfire.

It's also worth pointing out here just how much of a hypocrite lucifer is. HE REBELS against God, yet if any of his followers rebel against him, they can face severe consequences. Look at the things masons agree to face should they reveal secrets of masonry or break the oaths they take. Look at what happens to so-called "illuminated" people in the limelight if they let something slip that lucifer doesn't approve of. They will lose their jobs and never work in another movie again. the devil has 0 tolerance for rebellion amongst his followers, yet he rebels against God with everything he does. DO NOT BE DECEIVED by this wicked, infernal, unrepentant, murderous spirit.