Nonbinary or a scientific word for in utero inverts that are 99% of the population

(The above images are from self-proclaimed NONBINARY weirdos) I will solve the nonbinary mystery and confusion right now. Image 1 is a SWYER WOMAN. She/he THEY have MALE bone structure but a vagina. Like almost all female presenting people today. The nonbinary crowd just make a big deal out of it and don strange clothes and haircuts. You are not nonbinary, you are simply an in utero invert like almost everyone else. You have an intersex condition thanks to the masonic skulls and bones eugenics program. Image 2 are two freemartins, that is women with XX chromosomes who were born with penises. They are no different than almost every single male you see everywhere you go. Again, not nonbinary, just a corrupted invert made in the image of baphomet like everyone else on this fallen earth. If you think you are a genuine male or genuine female you probably are not. Hate to break it to you. You are more than likely an invert like everyone else. Whether you wanna make a big deal about it and call yourself nonbinary and dye your hair pink or get a buzzcut and wear sweaters someone's grandpa died in 40 years ago, that's up to you! You are not nonbinary, you are non-natural, non-biological, those things. Not made the way you were supposed to be because alchemists have corrupted almost everyone's genetic material. Why do you think there is a white and black checkerboard on every masonic lodge floor? White and black, male and female, good and evil, duality etc. All the inverts are a little male, a little female. They aren't pure male or pure female. If this offends you I don't care, it is the truth. If you are a "man" now you know why you have long legs and a short torso and probably pudgy freemartin fingers. If you are a "woman" now you know why you have a long torso and short legs for your body, and why you probably had to take birth control early to get your period. THE NONBINARY CONFUSION IS NOW SOLVED! SHARE THIS PAGE WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW, ESPECIALLY if they are a weird looking pair of danger haired sodomites like in image 2. You know how in nature often poisonous creatures have a bright color that is a warning to stay away from them? I view the nonbinary weirdos with the strange colored hair the same way. You aren't having a unique experience, you are simpy a bapho invert like almost everyone else, now put away the hair dye and the strange clothes and seek Jesus Christ while this wretched earth still exists. But most won't, especially sodomites, because they are twice dead children of belial, damned already.

For the RECORD, my pronouns are thee and thou because I use THE KING JAMES BIBLE, THE ONLY CORRECT VERSION.