Not Gonna Lie or idle speech

Why is ngl or "not gonna lie" even a part of the modern vernacular? I find it interesting that in the Scripture it says God cannot lie and he promises eternal salvation, and nowadays many that CAN lie say NGL and they often lead themselves and others to hellfire. Why do people even preface their speech nowadays with an assertion that they are not going to lie? Is lying something they regularly do, so that in the times they lie not, they must state it first? That is what it implies to me. Someone who speaks only truth would never have to say they are not going to lie before they say something. This is a sign of the times. Many people are liars. This phrase is particularly irritating to me. Just say what you are going to say. The minute I hear someone say or write this phrase, I assume their regular practice is lying, why else would they resort to this phrase? Or perhaps people pick up on this phrase from hearing others use it, and never ponder what it actually implies. So much of language today is used without any consideration of what it really means. GOD CREATED THIS WHOLE PHYSICAL REALITY OUT OF HIS WORD. Words are POWERFUL. Is not the law of the land that everyone must follow composed of words? If you violate, are you not SENTENCED, to a TERM. Is not a witch's SPELL book called a grimoire, or a GRAMMAR? THINK about what words you use and WHY you use them. Jesus is very clear about the consequence of idle speech.