The Matrix

Did you know the word "matrix" is in the KJV? In typical fashion, this word seems to feature ONLY in the KJV, AKJV, and maybe one or two other versions of the Bible. It is not featured in the NIV or any of the commonly used Bibles in churches today. Any time a word is obfuscated, changed, or omitted from newer Bible versions I find it important to investigate. I never knew Matrix even meant womb, and was derived from the latin for "mother." My association of the word matrix was with the movie and with computers. But then a very poignant image came to mind:

There ARE wombs in the movie the MATRIX! Artificial wombs of humans bred to be slaves to an illusory dream-world. They are bred only to power the "machines." This makes me think of many things. Could it be an allegory for a so-called "blue blood" VAMPIRIC elite, who are not quite machines, per se, but they are certainly not human. Could this be why the elite mock and think of people as "cattle?"

From a self-proclaimed "REAL vampire" site, this vampire says that humans are NOT to be viewed as cattle or ruled over by vampires. Why was this something that even needed to be said? Is this a common thought process among the vampires? Of course it is. This vampire named this section of the site, "To Serve Man," a disgusting pun meaning quite literally to serve human flesh, or blood. It contains recipes for "blood pancakes" and other things. These beings are REAL. They exist. I personally believe these are the ones who run things on the earth, and it makes sense why everything we are told is lies and the news is always trying to put people in a state of fear. Vampires can feed psychically on people's energy and I bet fearful people are easier to draw from. This is also why you've probably heard the term "energy vampire" before, meaning someone who is a downer and always exhausting you with their negativity. The REAL meaning of this, is a literal vampire who can psychically draw energy or life force from others. I believe they can do this remotely, but even easier for them if they can touch you. I think of all the hair salons with the word HAVEN in the title. Haven is a code-word for a vampire hangout.

The white rabbit, or the so-called "rabbit hole" has become a symbol for figuring out the manifold deceptions and conspiracies we live under. But this is all a red-herring. Notice how stage magicians use a white rabbit. If you were to follow their white rabbit closely, you'd see that it is an illusion, and the rabbit did not actually disappear. They employed slight of hand. Great, you figured out a stage magicians trick, what does that profit you? In the same wise, thinking of the GREAT DECEPTION we live under as a "rabbit hole" is not the right way to approach it. It is much more akin to an UMBRELLA. It is all-encompassing. If you only focused on one aspect of this deception, you might figure a few things out, but it is much better to think of it as an umbrella that covers everything. Think of how there is an "Umbrella Corporation" in resident evil, a game about surviving hordes of zombies. When you wake up to the deceptions on earth, it's not that everyone around you are zombies, but they are greatly misled and willingly or unwillingly help to reinforce the status quo, or what some so-called truthers call "the matrix." They go through the motions their whole life without ever learning the truth of the world around them, or in many cases, their own anatomy. I don't think it is a coincidence either that the umbrella corporation's logo is red and white, the colors of cain featured in many country's flags and of course in the RED CROSS blood donation company.