mark of the beast or six hundred threescore and six

The mark of the beast is present in a plethora of popular brands. There are multiple websites that detail this so if you want more examples, do a quick search. This topic is not really gatekept, the powers that be don't seem to care if people figure this one out. They are probably proud to have this hidden triple 6 on all sorts of products. Did you know every single UPC barcode contains a 666 on it as well? It is all encompassing. Earthly conspiracy is an UMBRELLA not a rabbit hole. I picked out heineken specifically hear because it shows the 666 and the upside down star that open satanists use as their symbol. You have to "invert" the logo to see the hidden symbology. Much like satan has inverted men and women to bring freemartins and swyer women into the world. the wicked one takes things and either corrupts them or inverts them. he leans on his own wicked heart's understanding, rather than God's. from the beginning when he tried to exalt himself above God's throne in heaven, til now, he has not changed.

The fact that every UPC on every product has a 666, makes me think of this passage from Scripture. The satanists probably did this on purpose. I've read and heard it said that the mark of the beast will be some kind of injection or vaccine, wherein if you don't get it you will be outcast from society. I think that is quite possible. Perhaps covid is a dry run for this very thing. In any case, I REFUSE the mark of the beast, and should it come out in a blatant manner as is foretold in Revelation, I will happily REJECT it.