luci in the sky with diamonds

I believe the song by the beatles, lucy in the sky with diamonds, is actually a reference to lucifer and the fallen angels. I've heard the fake conspiracy that it represents the drug Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. But I think this is just a red herring. When you study the Bible carefully, you discover that there are multiple heavens, and lucifer was not cast out of ALL the heavens, but the highest one. he and his hosts are somewhere between the earth and the highest heaven. This song is probably a reference to this. Derek Prince explains this concept very well in one of his sermons. I also think of the song by rihanna, "diamonds." Shine bright is very masonic sounding to me, and diamonds most likely represent the fallen angels. The square and compass in the freemason logo also form a diamond.

"Diamond" is 33 in pythagorean gematria.

The i love lucy show is probably a reference to lucifer as well. there are easter eggs scattered throughout POP (prince of the power of the air) culture.