In Utero Transgenderism

Notice how Angelina has a very strong, masculine jaw and striking features. Her body is lean with low body fat. She has a long torso and long arms and a boxy shape. This is MALE anatomy. Brad has more dainty, feminine facial features. Basic anatomy has been hidden. Most people today are INVERTED in the WOMB.

Notice how almost all "men" today have an hourglass shape. They have sloping shoulders, a short torso and arms that angle away from the body. They also have long legs for their body. These are FEMALE traits. Genuine men are extremely RARE.

In babylon, reverso world, the WOMEN have long torsos and short legs and the men have short torsos and long legs. EVERYTHING IS REVERSED. And of course on orange 33 reddit, the gatekeepers who KNOW this stuff never tell others about it. They don't care if people are completely confused about their anatomy and why they are the way they are.

We are sold this image of manliness associated with fatness and baldness. Neither are masculine. When real women have testosterone introduced into their system they go bald. Real women have a subcutaenous fat layer. Almost all men today are actually women with penises. There are some who actually have vaginas and live as men as well.

Notice how this book entitled "freemartin" shows a "man" looking in the mirror but seeing a woman. THIS IS THE TRUTH OF ALMOST ALL SO-CALLED MEN ON THE EARTH TODAY. This knowledge is highly gatekept and most male-presenting people on the earth have no clue they are actually a woman with a penis.

Most male-presenting people today, since they are in-utero FTM (female to male), do not go through a proper puberty. They have neoteny, or arrested development. This is probably why they made a very popular TV show with this title. Just another example of redirection. The Bible says in the end times women and children will oppress God's people. The ones in power on the earth now are FTM freemartins who never went through a proper puberty. Biologically they are stunted women with penises.

Brave New World, like 1984, is not a predictive book, it is a book written by someone who was "illuminated" and knew the truth of what was going on around him. In this book, 70% of the population are freemartins. Nowadays it's more like 99% of the population. I never see any real males in public, and certainly not on the TV screen. We are sold this BS that people come in all shapes and sizes. Wrong. God made male and female. Men are supposed to have low body fat, long torsos, long arms, a boxy shape, a defined brow ridge, deep set eyes, a deep voice, a fairly big skull for their body, a piercing gaze, and personality wise are much more withdrawn. WOMEN have long legs, short torsos, soft faces with less imposing facial features, smaller skulls for their bodies, arms that angle away from the body naturally, a curvy shape, a subcutaneous fat layer, a higher pitched voice, and personality wise women are more sociable, talkative, cheery, etc. Take one look at the average group of "men" today and you'll see they look and behave just like women, no matter if they grow beards, get tattooes, go the gym, drive a big truck, whatever they try to do to be "manly" does not work. Why is there so much "drama" at workplaces with all "men?" That is a female thing. It's because they are not men. Same with women. Why do so many "female" singers have a low singing voice? Does that make any sense? No it doesn't. So many so-called women out there are tall and skinny with no curves and no breasts. I am not saying these things to be mean or cruel, I AM SIMPLY STATING THE TRUTH so if anyone who is completely asleep should come to this page, they can start to wake up and see for themselves the lengths the devil has gone to to corrupt and deceive. The in utero transgender thing ALONE should be proof to you that the supernatural exists. All of this originated from witchcraft. Witches would give hormones to natural women to ensure they'd have a male baby, but that male baby was actually a freemartin. Same can be done vice verse with a male fetus given female hormones at the right time in the womb. ALL of this knowledge is highly guarded and gatekept. But do you understand why there exist songs like "dude looks like a lady" or "born this way" by gaga. These people know the truth.

I think one of the main reasons for this whole in utero thing was to make it easier to control the masses. Real men, in my experience, are much less susceptible to being controlled and deceived. They tend to question things more. They are the way God designed them to be. When you take a woman and masculinize her, she is still a woman. Women are much more prone to group thinking, and the opinion of those around them. They thrive in group social settings, so I believe it's much easier to control them. Also, the very first person ever deceived on this earth was a woman, Eve. The serpent didn't try to deceive Adam at first, he deceived Eve and let her deceive Adam. And then the swyer women, the castratti, the MTF, are chemically castrated males. They have that masculinity ripped away from them. The gatekeepers like to push this idea of toxic masculinity today, but it doesn't exist. There are so few real men, how could it? The toxic masculinity comes from freemartins desperately trying to act in ways they think are manly. But they will never be true men. And most of them gladly gatekeep and go along with evil things. Most of them will stab you right in the back and be nice to your face. Most of the inverts behave this way. When I meet one who is actually kind and genuine and doesn't seem like a snake, I am genuinely surprised, but still don't trust them. These people have shown me over and over again just how they truly act. I can't help but think of the parable of the wheat and the tares told by Jesus. The tares are a weed that looks like wheat, but is no good for bread. Jesus says to let them grow together, but in the end the tares will be cast into the fire. The inverts look on the surface like normal people, but they aren't. They are products of alchemy and satanic dark arts, and it doesn't matter if 99% of the population is inverted and they can dictate what is perceived as "normal." The Truth shines regardless of what anyone thinks, says or does. It is my personal belief that if we lived in a society of regular men and women, the way God intended, this world wouldn't be as corrupt as it is.

Klinefelter's Syndrome and Swyer Syndrome are the medical terms for freemartins and castratti, or in utero inverts, or intersex people. These conditions ARE EXTREMELY COMMON. You, reading this, probably have one of them. Intersex people are 99% of the population. Real men are almost non-existant, and real women are rare. They lie and say intersex conditions affect only a small portion of the population, because they want intersex to be considered as true men and women. They confuse everyone rather than tell them the truth. People treat medical conditions as secret as well. So if everyone goes to their doctor and finds out they have an intersex condition, and they are told it's a medical condition that only affects a small amount of the population and they shouldn't talk about it, it helps guard the secret. Real bio men and women are able to have children easily. They don't need to take birth control during puberty to present female traits, like most "women" today do. Real men don't start losing their hair in their late 20's and have a high pitched voice.

These are OPEN transgender people. They've come out and said what they are. Do they look any different to you than the average man or woman you see outside? No. Because 99% of people ARE TRANS already, done in the womb, only most people are not aware. The people that ARE AWARE, gatekeep this knowledge and treat it as the highest secret.

People that know the truth will often joke about it.

This is the hidden joke in the old gregg video that was popular a while back. When you look up the word "mangina" they claim it is a word used to emasculate or make fun of an "effiminate man." Wrong. A mangina is quite literally a vagina on a man (well, a freemartin). This is the BIG SECRET. You now know it, too! And look at that, you didn't have to take any oaths or join the illuminati or masons. You just have to use your GOD GIVEN DISCERNMENT. Ever wonder why in this world there is so much emphasis placed on using "peer-reviewed" sources? The peer-reviewed sources are gatekept and curated by the ones who wish to control information, which is why this topic I've expounded upon here is so difficult to research.

Notice the tranny flag features BABY BLUE and BABY PINK. This is a reference to the in-utero transgenderism program. The higher up "illuminated" people know about all the stuff I've spoken about here. Even every day people know about this stuff. This knowledge TRANScends income level, class, status, etc. Some people are in the club, or in the know, and some people are not. The people who DO know this stuff get off on having this "secret" knowledge and feel superior to others who are asleep.

The TRUTH of openly transgender people today is they are actually double trannies most of the time. This person was born a "female" (actually a swyer woman with XY chromosomes, look at the JAWLINE and long neck! also notice, NO WIDOW'S PEAK! Why would MEN have a widow's peak? WIDOWS ARE FEMALE) and TRANSitioned back to being a man. HOW MANY MEN today do you see with a jawline like this, and a full head of hair? YOU DON'T. THEY ARE ALL FREEMARTINS. This is the closest thing I could find on the internet of what a real man should actually look like. The picture on the right. And you simply do not see people that look like this outside, if you actually get past your brainwashing. Yes, some freemartins, especially the "illuminated" ones, take lots of hormones and HGH and develop a somewhat more masculine appearance, but they will never have the true masculine bone structure that you see here. One of the comments on this post said something like, "cis guys are gonna be jealous of you." They are NOT CIS guys, they are freemartins. There are almost 0 REAL MEN on this earth. YES, you reading this, if you identify as male, are a freemartin. There is a 99% chance. Look at your own anatomy. Genitals do not determine true gender. BONE STRUCTURE DOES. Why do think "skeletons in the CLOSET" is a phrase? It's a reference to this secret.

People on the internet and social media apps often refer to "men" as kings. As in, "keep your head up king." Or if someone male-presenting does something they deem laudable, they'll say "you dropped your crown, king." The truth of this is they are all DRAG kings. You know how drag queens are men playing women. Well, almost all male-presenting people today are women playing men, thus, DRAG KINGS.

A sodomite made this image. Notice how it says DRAG KINGS and it has SKULL imagery. This is a reference to what this whole page is talking about. ALMOST ALL MEN TODAY ARE (in utero) "DRAG KINGS" only they don't know it.