illusion magick

The Wisdom of Solomon makes mention of "the illusions of art magick." I believe most of what has beguiled the masses is illusion magick. They use NASA to make us think we live on a spinning ball of water orbiting in outer space. When you believe this and look up at the night sky, you really think you are looking at outer space. This belief in NASA garbage has a profound effect on the way you perceive the world. This is ILLUSION MAGICK. Conversely, when you read the Bible and see that God intelligently designed this place as a flat plane (not a planet) with waters above, separated by the firmament (dome), when you look up at the night sky you see something completely different. Much of stage magic has to do with illusions and sleight of hand. This seems to be disclosure of what real magick is. Real magick, as I understand it in this world, is controlling others by subtle means. It is not some complicated thing where people gather in a circle and say some secret words or brew potions. It certainly is not some old woman flying around on a broom. Real magick seems to be the beguiling and bewitching of the minds of the masses. Making everyone believe in falsehood, and thus rejecting God, without even realizing they are rejecting God. When you believe in NASA, you are rejecting the Word of God, because NASA's bs explanation of the earth is a LIE. You are putting your faith in doctrines of liars, rather than in the sound doctrine of God. I don't really have much more to show or say about this topic. It is hard to discuss or explain, because real magick is gatekept and they don't have much about it online. They have spells, and rituals, things like that, I think as a means to make people think that is what magick is confined to. Magick is doing a controlled demolition on the Twin Towers on 9/11/01 and getting most people to believe some guys in a cave hijacked planes, bypassed NORAD, and took them down. Magick is going your whole life without knowing you are an in-utero transgender person, and that real male and female anatomy is now occult knowledge. Magick is looking directly at a dollar bill and not realizing the truncated pyramid is a symbol of human sacrifice, and the all-seeing eye is a symbol of lucifer, and near that is printed "in god we trust." Which God? Are you getting the gist of what real magick is, now? It is pervasive and most things in mainstream society are steeped in it, so much so, that it's hard to see it! I hope people start to wake up and realize the truth of this GREAT DECEPTION.