Hiram Abiff or the high ram above

In freemasonry, the central figure in their rituals is "hiram abiff," said to be a helper of building solomon's temple. The truth is that hiram, the king of tyre (also called the prince of tyrus) was a king who was completely under the control of lucifer. In Ezekiel 28, he is described as being in the garden of Eden, and a cherub who covereth God's throne. These are not things a human can do. When you look at the name, "hiram abiff" does it not look like a made-up, phony name to you? That's because it is, at face value. This name really means High Ram Above, or you could think of it as Hiram Above. One of the secrets of lucifer is that he is not in hell yet, neither are the fallen angels. They are not in the HIGHEST heaven, they were cast out of there, but they are somewhere between the earth and God's Throne. In Scripture, it is shown that the devil walks to and fro on the earth, but that he also goes to God's Throne directly to accuse Christians day and night. This indicates that he does still have some access to God. When you consider the name High Ram Above, and you think of the baphomet abomination, who is a third goat, third man, third woman, it makes sense. A ram is not a goat, but similarly it is a HORNED BEAST. The Bible and even apocryphal works do not describe satan's true form in detail, but there is a mention that it is HIDEOUS, probably like the baphomet is. This could be why open satanists use this to worship the devil, perhaps they know that is what his true appearance is.

RAM is also an acronym for "royal arch mason." If you search "ram" on a search engine you will be flooded with images of the pickup truck. They probably did this on purpose.

Being that Hiram, King of Tyre, was POSSESSED by satan, what do you now think the true meaning of role-playing as "hiram abiff" in the masonic ritual is? They BLINDFOLD you. PIKE (a 33rd degree freemason) HIMSELF says lucifer BLINDS people. luciferians will never COME OUT and tell you directly what they are doing, but they will leave "easter eggs" and clues, and if you do not figure it out, they feel it is your fault and they have the right to deceive you. I repeat this notion over and over on this site because it is, at first, a difficult thing to understand. Yes, there is a large group of people on this earth who are wolves in sheep's clothing. They prey on people's gullibility and innocence. They know if they all get together and tell a lie, and all shill for the lie, most people will accept it. They know if you question one of their hoaxes or lies, and they go, "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT," most people will back down. They SHAME people who speak the Truth. BE NOT AFRAID OF THE WICKED, WORKERS OF INEQUITY. They have all been OVERCOME by Jesus Christ on the Cross.