
When I was asleep I used to think Joe Rogan was very interesting and actually earnestly wanted to learn truth. As I slowly woke up to the manifold deceptions of this earth, I took one look at his logo and thought back on the various subject matter he pontificated on, and realized he was gatekeeping the whole time. I remember feeling furious when I first woke up that all these people put in the spotlight can be so soulless, and such liars, that they could withhold very valuable information from the masses while they enjoy fame and monetary success. People in a position of influence are under much greater responsibility to speak the truth and help others. I think it's no coincidence the devil makes these people take oaths and pampers them with earthly riches while forbidding them to speak truth and help others. It can not be pleasing to Father to do this. After the anger faded when I realized this guy was just a big shill, and a fraud, and a spineless gatekeeper, I remember feeling really disappointed. Joe seemed like a decent guy. But he's no different than the myriad people I've met who seemed decent, but in process of time proved to be snakes. Rogan, DeGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, all of these people know basic truths like the earth being flat and God and the devil being REAL, but they never speak about these things. In fact they work to protect lies for their own paycheck. REPUGNANT behaviour. The Joe Rogan podcast features an emblem similar to the seal of the order of the baphomet (god of the knights templar/higher up masons.) His logo also bears two lightning bolts, which the band KISS also employ (knights in satans service) and metallica. Another title for the devil is the "prince of the power of the air," a reference to atmospheric electricity. Also, in the intro of every video you hear the voice of a chimpanzee or some kind of supposed "great ape." All great apes, gorillas, orangutans, bonobos, etc are just actors in fursuits. They aren't real animals. You'll never hear joe rogan talk about that, though. You'll never hear him speak against the BS theory of "evolution." But you will see him pictured with the grandson of the founder of the "church of satan" wearing a shirt bearing the mark of the beast. You will find photos of him doing devil horns handsigns. Just like everyone else in a postion of influence on this earth. It is disheartening to realize just how pervasive the great deception is, and how many are a part of it, but there is HOPE in JESUS CHRIST, OUR SAVIOUR.

Gatekeeping or gate guarding, is a masonic concept. The idea that only some people should have access to the TRUTH is wickedness.

No surprise, gatekeep is 33 in chaldean gematria. Orange, the calling card of the masons, is 33 in pythagorean and 23 in chaldean. A lot of words that relate to their practices also happen to be 33. 33 is the percentage of angels that fell with lucifer in the beginning. It is also an inversion of MM, like master mason. or WM, like worshipful master. Eminem is probably a reference to this. M and M's candy is a 33. You can see this stuff everywhere when you wake up to it. I'm only rambling about gematria and 33 here to illustrate that someone like rogan KNOWS THIS STUFF and would never mention it on his podcast. None of them ever talk about this, or any really useful information. They just mislead and waste your time. READ THE KJV. No one given a platform in this society is worth listening to. If they were worth listening to, they wouldn't have the platform.

THIS IS STILL TRUE TODAY. The ONLY way to rise up to the 33rd degree is to deny Christ. The masons do not even admit this to their own lower members, LET ALONE THE PUBLIC. When one is trying to rise up the ranks in masonry, they will be led by demonic forces that will "guide" them to say and do certain things that no PERSON told them to do, and THIS IS HOW the higher up masons know to "illuminate" this person to the higher degrees where they LEARN THE TRUTH that masonry is luciferian. They will be prompted at some point to deny Christ and spit on the cross, thus damning themselves. If they refuse to do this, they will not move up. THESE LIARS KNOW THE TRUTH OF THE SUPERNATURAL, and choose EVIL. They are the reason you've been brainwashed into thinking you live on a spinning ball of water in a meaningless void. They are the reason 99% of the population is in utero transgender. They are the reason you believe a whole bunch of fake history. MOST IMPORTANTLY, they are the reason if you are completely brainwashed and asleep, the Bible may be hard for you to ACCEPT AS THE LIVING WORD OF GOD. They do all they can to cast doubt on Father's Word, because they have willfully rejected it, which is NOT FAIR to the average person. The average person, going by the deceptive masonic information taught to you in school, will think of the world in a very secular, INCORRECT way. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. IF you are reading these words right now, it is for a reason. SEEK JESUS CHRIST. WE ARE IN THE END TIMES. IF YOU ARE A LOWER LEVEL MASON, I AM SPEAKING THE TRUTH. I DEAL ONLY IN TRUTH AND I DON'T CARE WHO IT OFFENDS. People's SOULS are more IMPORTANT to me than if they are offended by having their brainwashing undone. JESUS CHRIST IS THE KING OF KINGS, ONE DAY EVERY SOUL WILL KNOW THIS.