Gasoline comes from trees

This "diesel tree" is disclosure. ALL GASOLINE comes from trees (and plants.) The gasoline scam is one of the biggest ones going on this earth, along with electricity. No, gasoline did not come from "fossils." How could it? Dinosaurs are a HOAX. Ever wonder why the rainforests get cut down so much? They need the trees to produce more gasoline. They might finally be getting close to chopping down all the forests since they are starting to now push for electric vehicles more and more to "save the planet." They could have had all electric vehicles all along, but there was too much money to be made selling their snake oil. I really think the true meaning of snake oil is gasoline. It is a huge deception. Electricity is another huge deception. They get it from the air for free via the power lines and electrical masts (think tall buildings) that harvest it and collect it.

If you want to make a fire, think of what you'd normally use. Firewood. In a combustion engine, wouldn't it make sense that a liquefied form of firewood would allow it to run? The truth of things is so simple, yet by magick and distraction it elludes most people.

Buy a bottle of this Dr. Bronner's Tea Tree soap sometime, and take a good whiff. See what pure tea tree oil smells like. Of course the tree oil soap is ORANGE.