The gadsen flag is satanic

When you have FAITH in Jesus Christ and follow God's commandments, the whole kingdom of darkness is subject unto you. You simply tell them to depart from you in Jesus' name and they MUST. THIS is why the controllers of this world mock Jesus so much and hate him. This is also why there are many shills who try to tell people the "real" name of Jesus is yashua, yahawashi, etc. NONE of those names are in the King James Bible. Do not be deceived.

The gadsen flag is presented as a "racist" flag, when in reality it is a satanic flag. It shows a SERPENT (the devil) and says DON'T TREAD ON ME. This goes directly against Scripture. Notice how the devil says "DON'T" and not "YOU CAN'T." Know why? Because the devil is POWERLESS against the name of Jesus. We HAVE AUTHORITY TO TREAD ON HIM AND HIS KINGDOM.