
This is a low-hanging fruit conspiracy topic. Even when I was asleep I knew about this one. They sell distilled water free of fluoride and try to scare people into thinking they will die from lack of electrolytes and minerals. BS. They also sell toothpaste free of fluoride if you look carefully in the toothpaste aisle. This is one of those things where the truth is easily found with a bit of research, and the system presents ways to avoid the poison, they just rely on you not researching and doing your due diligence about what you put in your body. This way, in their thinking, it's "your fault" because they made all this info available and they provided options for you to avoid the poison. Yeah, it's corrupted satanic logic, but get used to it. We live on a satanic evil plane called Earth run by blue blooded literal vampires. Why do you think all the pedo slang is food items? pizza, hot dogs, pasta. Vampires eat humans. Good luck trying to explain this to I'd say 99% of people, they won't believe you. You get the good ol FLUORIDE STARE as seen in the first image. I imagine most people that come across this site probably look like that when they read through it, unless they are already "illuminated." Hans Wormhat's channel has 7 thousand subscribers and who knows how many views. Why hasn't there been a mass revolution or upheaval? His neocities has hundreds of thousands of views. I think the answer is there are more evil than good people on the earth. If most people are evil, and they find out that the earth is comprised of all sorts of evil schemes, they aren't going to do anything about it. Then there are people that are simply so brainwashed they can't get passed their cognitive dissonance. I've pondered this so many times, how come I'm one of the only people that CARES ABOUT THE TRUTH. Wouldn't you want to know the truth of where you live, your anatomy, where you go when you die, God and the devil, TRUE HISTORY of the earth? Nope. Most people just want to watch football, drink beer, eat fast food, complain about what sleepy joe and kamal toe did, and gossip about their coworkers.

These serve no purpose to elucidate my point, they simply made me laugh. I don't think many people are going to read my page or find this page anyway, and it's my site. I can put pointless memes here if I want to!