The Flood

There really was a huge flood over the whole earth, just like the Bible says. The fallen angels fell from heaven and raped human women, and giants were born. The fallen angels taught all kinds of forbidden knowledge to their wives and offspring. The reason witches are portrayed as female is because they were the first to learn of the secret things the fallen angels knew, since they were their wives. The giants ended up becoming tyrants and cannibals over the regular people on earth, and God smote the entire earth with a flood to eradicate them. There are old world buildings on every continent of this earth that were built before the flood. Many sunken buildings exist with windows sunk into the earth. They call it the "mud flood" online, but it is simply the flood referred to in Genesis. Noah really DID build an ark according to God's instruction and saved the animals. THIS IS WHY the establishment pushes FAKE animals. Zebras are painted horses. Giraffes are real but are the product of experimentation (think Island of Dr. Moreau.) Koalas are animatronics, or plushies, depending on the zoo. Gorillas and all great apes are actors in fursuits. Dinosaurs are not real and never walked the earth. They "discover" new photoshopped species of animals every day, but it is all hoaxery. All of this is pushed to make the idea of a earthwide flood and the saving of the animals seem impossible. "How could Noah fit all of those animals on one ark?" Well, there are not that many different animals, if you think objectively. There are many variations of different species, but think of the different animals you see day to day. Squirrels, dogs, cats, horses and other livestock, various birds, etc. This is not impossible. Besides, through GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

Anyone interested in this topic should research "mud flood," "old world buildings," "tartaria" and things like that. I could expound upon it more here but it has been done very thoroughly by others. Most of history is "a set of lies agreed upon" just like napoleon said years ago.There's a reason quotes like that exist. Napoleon's descendants own Vivendi, which owns Universal Music Group and Interscope and other HUGE music labels. The idea of a royal ruling class is not something of antequity, it still exists today, they just get people to not think of the world in those terms.