
Notice that Jesus says WHEN ye fast. Not if. Fasting is a very crucial component to humbling yourself before God. Jesus says mountains can be moved through prayer and fasting. There is tremendous power in it.

Notice how if you search fasting on any search engine, you get a wall of results talking about INTERMITTENT fasting. Any real articles on a fast of more than a day will be rife with warnings suggesting you consult a physician before you do it and during. They try to scare people from fasting because fasting is actually very beneficial to the body. HGH levels increase, the body purges all manner of toxins, it has anti-aging properties and many other benefits. The medical establishment is not interested in CURING anyone. They only want to TREAT people. Someone who overeats and is obese will be prescribed all kinds of pills. Fasting is a great way to take CONTROL of the appetite and carnal impulses. It can greatly help someone who is overweight gain confidence in themselves and see that their stomach doesn't have to be their boss, they can be the boss of their stomach. But the REAL BENEFIT of fasting is that it truly brings you closer to God. When you reject carnality you embrace the spirit.