Fanatics or FANS

I don't think most people consider where the commonly used word "fan" even originates from. It is short for fanatic. Nowadays when the word fanatic is used, it is usally in reference to so-called "religious fanatics" who are usually controlled opposition from the satanist. Think of the westboro baptist church. They act psychotic and inflammatory on purpose and are easily then labeled as fanatics or religious zealots by the media who is run by the same people who set control both the news and the fake opposition. The purpose of this is to malign anyone who carefully follows God's word in the KJV as a zealot or fanatic, when really this is what we are SUPPOSED to do.

The real "fanatics" of today are the FANS of these false idol celebrities. People worship athletes, musicians, "rappers" who are just actors who are coached in every way on how to perform, have their lyrics written for them, etc.

The first instance of real fanatics in today's society that comes to mind are the followers of justin bieber who call themselves "beliebers." This is BLASPHEMY. We are supposed to be Believers in God, not some illuminati singer/actor. Did you know bieber also plays the role of the weeknd? There is a clip where someone asks him his favorite song and he replies, "starboy by the weeknd" with a smirk. These people are all liars, they enjoy deceiving others. There is a reason why "duping delight" exists as a term. You may ask, how does bieber play two people? They have very advanced prosthetics and makeup that are gatekept and not available to the general public. It is much cheaper to pay one person to play multiple different celebrity roles. Do you now understand the oft-quoted phrase, "ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE?" This is the key of masonic magick. When you pay attention to the stage, you allow them to fascinate (magickal term) your mind. READ THE KJV. Do not be a fanatic of liar celebrities.

Can people really not tell that THAT IS A PROSTHETIC FACE? Does that look real to you? OPEN YOUR EYES!