electricity or power in the air

Electricity comes from the air, for free. It is FREE, CLEAN, RENEWABLE energy. The whole push for this kind of energy elsewhere is an example of redirection. They don't want you to realize the infinite source of free energy all around us in the air. They don't want people to realize that paying an electric bill every month is a huge SCAM, it's basically an extra tax on the public. The only cost associated with electricity is maintaining the power lines and skyscrapers that harvest it from the air, which is a fraction of the cost of the money collected to use it.

Ever wonder what was in the briefcase in Pulp Fiction? The answer is simple: gold. That's why a gold light shines on Travolta's face. But it's not so much the gold itself that is the big secret, but the KNOWLEDGE of what gold is really used for on this earth. Gold is THE BEST conductor of electricity. There are many sites that will claim other metals are, but this is a lie. Notice how Travolta had to use the combination "666" to open the briefcase. This illustrates how this knowledge is a secret, and gatekept from everyone who is not part of this satanic hierarchy. Also notice the "G" in freemasonry is a GOLD color. I don't think this is a coincidence at all. Gold is synonymous with POWER. Notice how words relating to electricity also relate to power on the earth: things like saying you are in "charge" or in a position of "power." Also, not coincidental.

Notice that they will place giant powerlines over highways, even when there is a risk that they may fall down onto busy traffic. Why would they put these things in such a precarious place, if they are only used to transport electricity. Because they are liars. The power lines themselves harvest and collect the electricity from the air, and when you have cars driving past underneath all day it generates more wind and increases their harvesting potential.

Skyscrapers and even old churches with those big spires also gather electricity from the air. Many skyscrapers in big cities that are purported to be big business or office buildings, are actually empty and may not even have floors, like the twin towers did not. So much of what is presented as real in this society is nothing more than a ruse or an illusion.

Notice that the KISS logo features two lighting bolts for the esses. Also notice the band name is always capitilized K-I-S-S. It DOES stand for knights in satan's service. This is why GENE SIMMONS himself did not deny or refute it. He said something like "it was good publicity." If you were in any wise against the devil, you would immediately refute and deny this claim, and maybe even change your band name so as not to be associated with evil. The truth is, these people are satanists, they know what the band name means, and they know that if they just lie, most people will believe the lie they tell rather than the truth they see.

KISS dress up in the same makeup as the OPENLY satanic bands of the "black metal" genre. As I've said elsewhere on the site, "black" can be used as a synonym of "satanic," it depends on context. Black mass, black ritual, black magick, black metal, etc. KISS are showing the truth of what they are just by using this same makeup. In any case, you may be wondering why I even brought up this band in relation to electricity. It is to show the correlation between electricity and the devil, who is known as the prince of the power of the air. The lightning bolts you see in KISS's logo and other bands like metallica are a nod towards who these people worship.