Cup of Water

Giving of a cup of water in the name of Jesus to a believer, or in the name of a disciple is specifically mentioned in Scripture as something worthy of a Heavenly reward. I find it interesting that Jesus specifically mentioned this in Scripture. It makes me think of nowadays all the people who ask for a cup of water from a restaurant, they receive it freely, then do something deceptive by getting soda instead. I find that act absolutely repugnant. I don't know what the real correlation between this Scripture and soda thieves are, but when I first heard these words of Jesus, I immediately thought of the people that steal soda by lying and asking for a water cup.

One of the ONLY truly free things in the USA is a cup of water from a restaurant. It is federally required that they provide this upon request. Being that we live in a world run by satanists, even THEY do not mess with this notion. It must be a very important thing to provide a cup of water like Jesus said, if even the babylonian kabbalist government has mandated it be provided. I think it must be a grave sin to ask for a cup of water and get soda instead, as well, since it corrupts this notion. I'm not sure exactly what I'm getting at or trying to prove with this page, but these are thoughts that I have reflected on numerous times and just wanted to try to articulate them.