Corrupted Language

Ass, booty, cock, pricks, and suck all appear in the KJV and are innocent words. Nowadays all of these words have some kind of sexual or base implication. Jesus was sitting on an ass in the Bible. I think the wicked one has purposely corrupted these innocent words so when someone does read the KJV and they come across a word like "ass" their mind goes to the base rendering of it, rather than its original, innocent meaning.

When I hear people say the phrase "nailed it" I can't help but think of the suffering and pain Jesus went through. The world has turned that into a stupid phrase that means you did something well. Notice also it can imply that you did a poor job of something. Sort of like condeming the Son of God to death, woe be to the souls of those who fought for that. I remember seeing a huge ORANGE sign in Home Depot once that said, "Nailed It." and that was when this dawned on me. There are satanic easter eggs sprinkled throughout the language we use today. Even the word "slang" makes me wonder if it is s-lang, or satan's language.