Christmas Trees

The traditions celebrated as Christmas every December are actually customs of heathens. No surprise. If you've browsed my site a little bit you should be aware that we live in a very satanic society, and the ones in charge worship him. They throw a huge party for the darkest day of the year, the winter solstice. Jesus is the LIGHT of the world, not darkness.

Also, the santa character is promoted, which is an anagram for satan. santa is purported to have omniscience and know the deeds of others. It is completely blasphemous. The trope of learning santa isn't real is something worth noting as well. Everyone eventually finds out santa isn't real, but how many realize the earth is flat, 99% of the population are in utero inverts, electricity comes from the air, gasoline is tree oil, etc. Most adults go their whole lives believing in nonsense while thinking they actually understand the world around them. Most people even coming across my site who are completely asleep, would probably dismiss it. The cognitive dissonance and the STUBBORNESS and ARROGANCE the average person has, will not let them see the Truth.