Cannabis or the devil's lettuce

Though the Bible does not specifically mention cannabis, it does say to be sober and vigilant, for the devil as a roaring lion seeketh to DEVOUR us. That is very strong language. God would not have put something like that in the Bible if this was not a serious issue. When I hear this verse, I think of the trial Daniel the prophet went through when he was cast into the lion's den. Had Daniel not been devout and had Faith in God, he would have perished. His Faith saved him. When you have true Faith, that means you also do your best to keep all of God's Commandments and sayings. Therefore, consuming cannabis (or any intoxicant) goes directly against God and is akin to making yourself prey to the devil, as a roaring lion.

I've included lyrics from "sweet leaf" by black sabbath. I have mentioned elsewhere on this site that "black" can mean "satanic" depending on context. To call something a black sabbath indicates a satanic sabbath. So a satanic band has made a song in praise of this plant. The line that sticks out to me the most is that ozzy says, "I love you sweet leaf, though you can't hear." Well that is exactly concordant with all the idols referred to in the Bible. MANY times in the Bible when idols are mentioned, it is said that they can not see, nor hear, yet people worship them. Aside from the intoxication from this plant, people tend to make an IDOL out of it. It becomes a ritual for people to consume this plant when they wake, regularly throughout the day, and to go to sleep. They seek comfort in this plant, rather than in God. That is where the real sin and danger lieth, in my opinion.

Any enthusiast of cannabis will claim that it is a harmless plant and non-addictive. When you suggest that cannabis is harmful or addictive to them, they will usually get very defensive and you will be met with a lot of apprehension. The problem is that people that consume cannabis regularly are bound by its chains. Yes, it is not near as harmful as alcohol in my opinion, at least not PHYSICALLY, but spiritually it is just as bad. The demon presiding over cannabis simply attacks its users in a more subtle way. If you search for actual accounts of people who've consumed it regularly and then stop, you will see that many if not all of them have a difficult time quitting. There are plenty of real withdrawal symptoms. Nowadays, cannabis is being made legal in more and more places, which makes me wonder if the federal government actually did do the right thing by classing this as a schedule 1 substance. It IS destructive, just in a very subtle way. How can the Holy Ghost abide in one who is continually intoxicated? The devil wins when you give in to this plant. Avoid it.

There exists a strain of cannabis called "mendo breath" which is an anagram for "demon breath." Just an interesting thing to consider.

I find it interesting that the vernacular for being intoxicated by cannabis is the word "stoned." This is a biblical term for being killed by having stones thrown at you. Perhaps cannabis intoxication is called this because it kills your soul. Joshua 7:25 says they stoned them then burned them with fire. Burn is another slang term for smoking cannabis. When the devil does corrupt language or create his satanic language (slang) he often does this. Nowadays if a person hears the word "stoned" instead of thinking of the Biblical punishment for abominable crimes in the eyes of God, people think of cannabis users. Before I read the Bible I had this notion from the secular, synagogue of satan controlled education system that it was barbaric in the Old Testament times, stoning people included. But I look at the punitive system today, and in many ways the current system is far worse. Instead of lashes and stripes (beating for smaller crimes) people get locked in a cage for a huge portion of their life. This is quite cruel and unusual. The crimes that were worthy of being stoned for were things God HATED. And just the fear alone of being stoned most likely kept people from doing them, and if they did do them, the abominable people were removed from the land by the government. It was a much better system back then. Imagine if pedo sodomites were stoned to death by the government nowadays? It would be a much better world.

"Ripped" is another slang term for being intoxicated from cannabis. Interesting that in the KJV this word is used to describe pregnant women that were slain so the rich could get richer. What a disgusting thing. I think this is another example of redirection, where they take a Biblical word and prescribe a "modern" slang usage to it, so no one remembers the original meaning. Ripped also means someone with low body fat and a six pack or otherwise in shape. Neither of these are the true meanings. Modern language is a joke anyways, it is a bastardized version of what real English is supposed to be.

Another slang term for cannabis intoxication is "faded." Interesting in the KJV this term also is tied to God's judgment on evil people like the word "stoned" is. Interesting also is it that it makes mention of the flower that fadeth and the leaf that fadeth. Both flower and leaf are terms for cannabis as well. I don't think any of this is a coincidence and these terms serve a multifold purpose. They disclose the truth that cannabis (and all intoxicants for that matter) harm the soul and take you away from God, but also they serve as redirection from the original, true meaning of these words. Just like the sodomites have convinced everyone that "gay," an innocent word that means merry, somehow relates to freemartins putting their privates in other freemartins behinds. Disgusting.

1 Corinthians 6:12
“All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.”

This verse from Corinthians is a great saying on cannabis. Just because something is made legal by the man-made government, does not mean it is lawful by the God-made law.