Cancel Culture or Carcer Culture

Cancel is a variant of the word "carcer" which is where the word incarcerate comes from. It is also a diminuitive of cancer, which is one of the biggest maladies people die from today. Cancel culture can thus be rendered as Carcer Culture (prison culture) and also Cancer Culture (slowkill death from the manifold poisons found in the air, water, food, signals etc.)

Cancel culture is not about protecting people, it is about censoring people. It started with a good intention, but look at the overall effect of it. EVERYONE nowadays is afraid of speaking in public, lest they say the wrong thing, even if they are not a racist or prejudiced person. Cancel culture has taught people to be afraid to speak freely even if they aren't evil, which is a form of CONTROL or mental imPRISONment just like the root word carcer means. Even if someone does something wrong, says something wrong, says something you find offensive, does that give you the right to do everything you can to destroy their life and ability to earn a living? vengeance is the Lord's domain, not ours. The problem is most people these days have no Faith in God. They lean on their own understanding and want to take matters into their own hands. Also, if someone does say something racist or evil, do you think cancelling them is going to change them, or just teach them to be more secretive and discreet about their hatred? HATE will NEVER overcome HATE. ONLY LOVE will overcometh hatred. Destroying someone's life over something they said is hatred, not love. I understand to some degree the motivation behind it, but it has gone way too far these days. People need to LET GOD take care of wicked people, and believe me, HE WILL. God says over and over in his Bible he is no "respecter of persons." He doesn't care how much status or riches you have or what you look like, he judges the hearts. Do you not think God will deal with people who are saying evil, racist, or cruel things to others? Of course He will, and He will do it in a way much more wise than any person can.