babe ruth

BABE RUTH IS A WOMAN. George HERman (get it?) "Babe" RUTH. This is one of the things when I woke up I couldn't believe I never noticed. They can literally put a woman on the world stage, call her Babe Ruth, and get everyone to think she's a man by just dressing her up in men's clothes and elevating her as a big champion athlete. Look at Babe's face, soft, pudgy, FEMININE. Yeah, most "men" today resemble this because they are inverts. We have all been brainwashed and lied to about basic human anatomy. The truth of anatomy is hidden knowledge. The truth of where we live, the flat earth, is hidden knowledge. The truth of where all the electricity this evil masonic world runs on comes from is hidden knowledge. Sometimes asleep people ask, "DURRRR WHY WOULD THEY LIE ABOUT THE SHAPE OF THE EARTH???" Because how are you going to have any real knowledge if you don't even know where you live. People genuinely believe they live on a spinning ball of water in a vacuum revolving around a ball of hot gas known as the sun. Does that make any sense when you think of it OBJECTIVELY or does it sound like sci-fi BS? I could rant on and on about all this but let's keep it on topic. All your sports heroes are in utero inverts. There are no genuine XY men in male sports, and no genuine XX females in women's sports. Do you see the lunacy of them making a big deal about so called openly trans athletes. It's all a red herring from the secret that almost everyone on earth is already trans from birth. TRANSFORMERS, MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE!

This is a "women's" basketball team. Uh, THESE ARE WHAT MEN ARE SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE. These are dudes with long hair, and possibly have female genitalia because they are inverted in the womb. But the BONE STRUCTURE is male. You will NOT find "men" outside or on TV with this bone structure! Does Ms. Babe have bone structure like this? No way! And there are people that know this stuff and have known it but they gatekeep it. I honestly do feel bad for the people that identify as all these different genders because they more than likely don't know the simple truth of skulls and bones. In reality, there ARE 4 genders on this earth. Natural male (almost nonexistant at this point) natural female(rare, but you come across them sometimes) freemartin or in utero ftm (EVERYWHERE YOU GO) and swyer women or castratti (EVERYWHERE). The last two categories are 99% of the population so it is easy for them to erase the truth of real anatomy.