Baal, the FALSE god of the earth

This is Hilary's "leaked" email talking about sacrificing a "chicken" to moloch. I find it hard to believe somebody with as much pull as Hillary genuinely had her emails leaked. It is more likely they leaked these things on purpose as "disclosure." One of the way kabbalists, luciferians, satanists (whatever you want to call them) think, is that if they tell everyone what they are doing, and no one stops them, this is "consent." That, or they are so confident that nothing will happen to them, they are rubbing it in everyone's face. Whatever their motivation for releasing this information, anyone with DISCERNMENT should realize what an evil world we live in. A world that parallels the old testament times of baal worship and tophets.

Jahbulon is the god of freemasonry, as seen in the Royal Arch degree. It is purported to be a combination of baal, jehovah and osiris, but this is simply a lie told to the "profane." Masons view those without the secret knowledge they have as "profane." The REAL TRUTH of the god of masonry, is that it is simply another name for the demon bael. And bael is simply another name for baal, which is the same child-sacrifice god seen in the old testament. THERE IS NO NEW THING UNDER THE SUN. The controllers today worship the same false deity that was worshipped in the old testament. When you really understand this, you begin to realize THE BIBLE IS THE TRUTH. What a gift to know the Truth.

When you do an image search for jahbulon, the god of freemasonry, you get the SAME deity as when you search for the demon bael. They are THE SAME. And bael is simply another form of baal. And what is baal? baal is lucifer in disguise as an abomination, or, according to occult texts (which I DO NOT RECOMMEND YOU READING, but I can not forget things I've researched now) baal is the "king of the demons." Think of bel-zebub in the KJV who is called the prince of the demons. This is the same thing as jahbulon, bael, etc. When you research the occult or luciferian things you quickly realize the devil likes to overcomplicate and make things labyrinthian. The SIMPLE TRUTH is there are two spiritual kingdoms in operation on this earth. The Kingdom of God, whose son is Jesus Christ, and who hath sent The Comforter, the Holy Ghost to his believers, and the kingdom of darkness which is run by lucifer, the fallen angels, and evil spirits which I believe to the be the spirits of the nephilim and the sirens. When you DO NOT follow the True God, when you do not believeth in his son Jesus Christ, you are BY DEFAULT worshipping the kingdom of darkness and opening yourself up to its influence. The devil does NOT care if you know he is real or not. The only difference between you and the elite who worship baal/lucifer/fallen angels is that they are aware of what they are worshipping and receive wordly renumerations in the form of wealth and carnal pleasures. Most of the world worships these fallen beings without ANY reward, only to their own destruction. Of course, the elite who do this willfully and do not repent will spend eternity in hellfire. God HATES IDOLS. When Jesus was in the desert fasting for 40 days, lucifer offered him all the kingdoms of the earth if he would worship him. Jesus REFUSED. The difference is the elite of this world have chosen to worship lucifer for the kingdoms of the earth. But in the end, they will be damned eternally. DO NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE. REPENT and BELIEVE the gospel. JESUS CHRIST IS THE TRUTH. AMEN.

It is very hard to find information about higher level masonic things, especially the false god of masonry "jahbulon," but this person made a map in a video game called "jahbulon" which shows all the familiar masonic symbols and what appears to be an altar. His group name is [EVIL] and this map can be found on the "House of Evil" servers. These people are willingly evil (at least the higher level ones) and they take pride in it. I find it hard to believe that most people would join freemasonry or any secret society on this earth if they knew what the higher ups really were doing. Almost all logos of secret societies feature a circle within a circle. The outer circle has no clue what the inner circle really does, and are lied to. Just like you see in the order of baphomet seal, in the 33rd sovereign grand inspector general seal, and many others. Joe Rogan's podcast is a reference to this concept, so is the starbucks logo.

It is also interesting to note that the king of the khazars was called "king bulon." This sounds a lot like jah-bulon. bul, or bel, is a name for "lord" often used by bael, the king of the demons. think of "beel-zebub". this king bulon was probably no different than hiram, king of tyre, who was possessed by lucifer. lucifer pulled the strings, while the earthly king did his bidding. I don't believe in coincidences anymore. the khazars were witches and wizards who pretended to be God's people to blend in.