You can find numerous references to the events of 9/11/01 way before it occurred. The truth of 9/11 is that is was a giant psyop, a form of fear-based mind control. It's sole purpose was to advance the new world order agenda. After 9/11, everything changed. We have less privacy and more "security" which is really more security theater. Taking the shoes off every time you fly on a plane is like a ritual, similar to putting on a surgical mask for fear of the common cold (corona). The way it worked was the buildings had only four real floors. One floor was a restaurant, (probably part of the reference of Breakfast in America) one floor was for tourists, and I'm not sure about the other two. They presented these buildings as very busy office buildings, but really they were mostly empty, and anyone who worked there surely was illuminated/masonic. The buildings were taken down by controlled demolitions, I don't know if there ever were planes that even crashed into them. I did not see the events of 9/11 with my own two eyes, so the only evidence I have of that is the news media and what they decide to publish about this giant psyop. What I can say for certain, is that the buildings went down in a manner identical to any other controlled demolition. It is more likely that they were simply energy masts that harvested electricity for NYC, and served the dual purpose of being part of this giant psyop on the masses. The buildings also form a giant "11" which is a number associated with magick. K is the 11th letter of the alphabet, and real magick is spelled with a "K". The supernatural character in the show "Stranger Things" is called Eleven. IT IS MAGICK, to perform this giant psyop and completely change the mindset of millions of people, and instill fear into them. Think of the advantage those "in the know" have over those who really believe some middle eastern guys in a cave were able to hijack planes, bypass NORAD, and attack an American landmark. Do you see the real purpose behind this ritual?

It is very hard to find images that show the truth of the buildings not having floors and being mostly empty, but this image shows it.

The Pythagorean gematria value of jahbulon, the "god" of freemasonry is 29 (this is also the gematria value of "illuminati" in Chaldean) and unreduced the gematria value is 83. Put those together and you get 2983, the number of the alleged "victims" in the 9/11 memorial above. Many of the higher level satanists communicate with gematria and signs and symbols. THE REAL VICTIMS OF 9/11 were the first responders who faced much harm to their lungs breathing in all that debris, may God Bless and Protect them in Jesus' name.

The Statue of Liberty in NYC is actually a statue of Apollo or Apollyon, referred to in Revelation 9:11. It can also be seen as a statue of helios, both of these are sun gods. Worshipping the sun or any deity of the sun goes directly against Scripture. The powers that be still worship these false gods. It is my opinion, that Apollo, Helios, any of these false gods are simply lucifer in disguise. He is known as the light bearer, and all of these fake gods all bear a big light in their hand. Notice that the woman in the breakfast in america album cover stands in the same pose with a glass of ORANGE juice. Orange is 33 in pythagorean gematria and is a hoax code. You will see 33 and orange references plastered over big psyops and hoaxes. Construction began on WTC 1 August 6, 1968, which was 33 years before September 11, 2001. Also note, that when they made the memorial for 9/11, they put in a big PIT. Another reference to Revelation 9:11. God is real. the devil, unfortunately, is real. The powers that be are well aware, so SHOULD YOU BE. SEEK JESUS CHRIST with all of your heart, soul, and mind, and read the KJV.